Birthday Wishes

My aunt Nancy was someone who I was proud to call part of my family. In many ways I credit her to me even being alive. Nancy was one of four children, there is my Aunt Kathy, my Uncle Bob and my dad Tom. When their mother Mary-Ann died when my dad was only 7, it left my Grandpa to be a single dad but he was also a business man who had to travel for work. At the time my aunt Kathy was in college while my aunt Nancy was a senior in High school. Nancy sacrificed a normal senior year and my dad says she took care of him the most and best she could. I believe she really saved my father in a fragile time because he was so young. I do not believe my dad would be who he is without any of her. When I see the way my dad’s eyes deepen when he talks about her, it breaks my heart because you can see how close they were.

When we found out my she had cancer I was in shock. I am not sure if it’s the connection to my dad or if we are just alike in character, we really look-alike, but I felt close to her even though I did not see her much because she lived in Texas. There is this picture of her as a little girl, she is sitting under the Christmas tree with a present and has twisted herself towards the camera, and I have a picture exactly the same. In my opinion the picture could almost be of the same girl. When I did see my aunt I always noticed her warmth and kindness that seemed to just leap off of her. Even as she was losing her battle to Ovarian cancer. The last time I saw her she was frail and seemed in pain however she still managed to glow with the same quiet kindness I knew her to have.

She passed away a year ago.

The cancer was caught late and by the time it was found it had reached her bones. The day we found out she passed was hard. My dad was extremely sad, I never saw him cry, but he did not need to his sadness came across through his eyes. My grandpa grew a garden in her memory. My family lost a wonderful member, she was selfless, kind, quiet and warm. A way to help so other families can hold on to their loved ones for longer is something I will always hope for.

Which brings me to the American Cancer Society and Relay for Life. I find this group compelling and so helpful because I have been there, completely confused when it came to what my aunt was really going through and what the chances of her pulling through were. I had so many questions and this society helped me just through the site. Which is why I am choosing to feature them. They specialize in events to raise money to find the cure to cancer. They also helps those who lose loved ones handle what is happening  as well as patients cope and understand exactly what is happening to them.

The society holds events called Relay for Life, it’s a well-known way people can fundraise for the cause. People walk for 24 hours around a track to raise money. There are also events throughout the event that help raise cancer awareness. Relay for life is so powerful, the survivor walk as well. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to cover and look into the event. It is truly amazing to watch the track crowd with people who all want to work together to treat cancer. Coming from someone who has watched someone be over taken Relay gives me a sense of comfort knowing that one day we will fight off cancer and win the battle.

Cancer by definition is a group name for around 100 diseases that cause abnormal cells to grow out of the body’s control. Meaning the harmful abnormal cells eventually take over and shut the body down.

The society also offers support groups for the patients and their loved ones. The groups are set up to help them understand what they or their loved one is going through. The groups range from people who have the same type of cancer to groups teaching how to stay positive about appearances. There are even groups just for men or just for women. I think the groups are amazing and are such a good idea. The site for the American Cancer Society even has tips on how to try to stay cancer free.

Half of all men and one-third of all women in the US will develop cancer during their lifetime, according to the American Cancer Society. We can lower these numbers but working together. I call the blog Stand for the Loved because of my Aunt and for anyone else who is may lose or is losing a loved one due to cancer. Those who fight cancer are strong, courageous and should be thanked because of them we are that much closer to a cure.

Aunt Nancy, I know you are up there singing with the other angels. I will always stand for you because I love you.

Published on April 27, 2011 at 11:59 am  Comments Off on Birthday Wishes