Celebrate, Remember, Hault?

The relay for life slogan is Celebrate, Rememeber, Fight back. Easy enough right? Not for me every time I go to use this slogan I get stuck because I lose my mojo once I start to remember. I want to help fight back against cancer, I want to see it defeated, but I think maybe the pain of my Aunts death still is too much to remember and then still have the energy to fight. Now I know that sounds selfish, saying I don’t have the energy after she and many others fight through cancer exhausted, but I don’t know how else to say how I am feeling. When I first heard that my Aunt Nancy had passed away, I was in shock I never really registered that she could die until it happened. I was not as close with my Aunt Nancy due to distance but I still had incredible sadness for myself, her family, my family and that especially including my father. As of right now the reality of my Aunt being gone is slowly setting in, so all I really want to do is celebrate her life and remember all of her wonderful qualities. I need to get through this shock and hurt before I can really fight back against cancer and win. Which is why I love relay. It’s a group of people who are ready to fight back against cancer and they help fill the void while people like me heal before we are ready.

But, when I am ready I will get out there full force and Celebrate, Remember and I will FIGHT BACK.

Published in: on April 27, 2011 at 11:56 am  Leave a Comment