Losing A Loved One

Losing a loved one just may be the hardest things about the lives we live. When you lose someone you feel as though there is an empty spot in your life and sometimes it gets filled and sometimes you learn to just remember them whenever you feel the hole.

It’s a bit different for my with my Aunt. I never had a close personal relationship with her because of the distance the was between us, but I do have a family relationship with her and my dad says that sometimes I remind him of her. Whenever I did get to see my Aunt I found her fascinating, I looked like her, I talked like her, etc. I feel like that’s where our relationship was strong. However, losing someone never really changes, I still felt the shock and the hole when I heard she had passed on.

My dad and my Aunt had a connection with being the youngest girl and youngest boy. My dad can remember times from back when they were kids of her driving them around, windows down with the radio blasting. So I wonder how he fills the gap where she used to be. My dad I am sure would say she will always been in my heart which is true but I know how losing someone can feel hollow.

My grandpa built a garden in his backyard in honor of her. My dad says it must be so hard to lose a daughter before your time. My grandpa is quiet but I do know he loved all of his kids very much and he created a beautiful garden for his beautiful daughter.

Published in: on April 27, 2011 at 12:44 pm  Leave a Comment